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Bee Mornings 

Lets talk bees!

Our bee mornings are for anyone who would like to know more about bees and/or is thinking about having a beehive in the garden.

We will talk about how they live in nature, how they function, what is important for the bees, and how, knowing what they need, and don't need, we can we help them be strong and healthy so they can survive. We will have a look at our hives and answer your questions about bees and beecentric beekeeping.
Participation is 10 euro pp, incl coffee&cake. Group numbers are limited, so please let us know if you are interested to join us. Also, get in touch if the dates don't suit, or if you would like to plan a morning/afternoon with an existing group.


Next dates: 


(*as we are natural beekeepers, we do not open up our hives to look inside but observe them at the hive entrance!)

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