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Custos Apium Hives

Providing bees with species appropriate hives is the key element in our way of looking after bees. In nature bees lived in cavities in trees for millions of years and are completely adapted to this. The thick walls of the tree trunk surrounding the nest keeps the colony safe, warm and protected from the elements and natural predators. Very often with a small easily defended hole as an entrance. The insides are rough, perfect for the bees to cover in propolis, known to be of great importance for the health of the colony due to its antibacterial properties. Our hives mimic as close as possible the natural situation of a nesting cavity.

The modern conventional beehive is designed for the management of bees with the aim of maximum honey production. Unfortunately the design gave no consideration to the needs of the bee. We believe that keeping bees in these hives contributes to a weaker colony. ​

When bees live in a species appropriate hive, that is suitably shaped, well insulated and of the appropriate dimensions, it is easier for them to regulate the temperature and humidity and they have a far better chance to stay strong and healthy.


There are different options of Custos Apium beehives available. All Custos Apium bee hives are zero management bee hives. A well insulated cylindrical vertical brood chamber of a specific volume and without frames. Rough interior walls promote bees to produce propolis. Tunnel gauntlet entrances help the colony defend against intruders.

Our CUSTOS APIUM beehive has a small honey box with small frames which allows a small honey harvest without entering the main body of the beehive. This is possible because of the unique system of a removable plug that allows the bees to access the honey box.

The WILDING HIVE is as above but without the honey box.

The LOGHIVE is available as both a wilding hive and also as a small honey harvesting hive.

We can provide stands or legs of different heights and our hives can also be placed in trees.

When bees live in a species appropriate hive, that is suitably shaped,well insulated and of the appropriate dimensions it is easier for them to regulate the temperature and humidity, they have a far better chance to stay strong and healthy.

Custos Apium - - 06 83 795 768 - 27 Chasselines - Saint Michel de Veisse, Siret 498 1950 7200026 France - 

2018 - 2025

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