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Guided Wild beetrees walk

For millions of years, bees have lived in cavities in trees. If they get a chance, they will still move high up into trees where often we can walk past without even seeing them. We have made it a 'sport' to find beetrees and so far have found a number of them, also in the forests around the village where we live. ​On warm days we can see the bees fly in and out, carry in pollen, watch their magic dance in the rays of the sun, all at their complete free will.


​We invite you to join us for a walk to see these special bee trees. ​

To really appreciate the bees, we need good (sunny) weather, so please keep in touch to make sure the walk is going ahead. Of course, if you have reserved a place, we will inform you when we cancel! Please wear suitable footwear. We will walk on forest tracks. To not disturb too much, we like to keep the group to a maximum of 6. So please let us know if you're coming. 

€ 8.50 euro per person, with a drink and cake at the end.


We will organise this walk often throughout the season. So keep an eye on our events schedule for future dates, they will be added all the time and according to weather forecasts.

Would you want to come and enjoy this special walk on an other day, by yourself, or do you want to come with a group? No problem! Just contact us to arrange a date.


Custos Apium - - 06 83 795 768 - 27 Chasselines - Saint Michel de Veisse, Siret 498 1950 7200026 France - 

2018 - 2025

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